Spirits & Spice is a physical and online store that features high-end spirits, spices, vinegars, oils, wine and more.
Oak Lawn Smiles Family Dentistry
287 conversions at a 14% conversion rate
5:1 ROAS
Spirits & Spice is a physical and online store that features high-end spirits, spices, vinegars, oils, wine and more.
With locations in Jackson Hole, Sedona, Las Vegas, and Chicago they are able to reach a sophisticated clientele.
Down 73% from their original average cost-per-click
Up 1,825%
Down 96%
During the 2020 holiday season, they were looking to increase online sales of their products through paid search ads.
In order to boost online sales during the 2020 holiday season, we employed Pay-Per-Click Advertising via Google Search campaigns, targeting both Chicago specifically and all states where alcohol delivery is permitted.
In addition to bidding on regular alcohol delivery searches, we also targeted adults looking to purchase unique gifts for their loved ones during the holiday season and business professionals looking for gifts for coworkers, clients, etc. We were able to avoid bidding on those looking for gifts for children and teens, and those not of age to purchase alcohol by creating extensive negative keyword lists.
Revenue from paid traffic totaled $11,340.76 – with a total spend of $2,241.74.
For every $1 spent on ads, they received about $5 in revenue.
Down 73% from their original average cost-per-click
Up 1,825%
Down 96%
Up 226%
With a total spend of $2,241.74
For every $1 spent on ads, they received about $5 in revenue
Higher than their typical order value of $153.27
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